I'm back .. what happend 🤔 halving not having

#Write&Earn A fair stright forward deal with a fair measurement metric as you earn only from content that appriciated to the degree and extent that earn you a follow not only 👍

OK , now I feel excited 'again' to engague and share my 🤭 #foresight 😇 Yes, what do want with insight Content that is repeatative and proven to be %80 deviated from reality after weeks or months ..time after time

Poor Foresight 🤓

One ought to simply learn to unfollow and avoid creators who offer nothing but repeat known past due news or hyped price predictions

I promise that I won't be a repeater offering

only genuine content with both 🧐 gutt foresight and serious insight based on my crypto experience since 2016

Naturally, my content will always contain lots of feelings and emotions and inspiring images

We are Human firstly and after all who wants dull AI generated 'content'