Everyone needs to give a clear explanation for what happened to them - not to others, but to themselves. This is why people often want to "ask for an explanation". If they cannot explain their experiences clearly, they will feel very uncomfortable.

In the hospital, every terminally ill patient has to go through a painful period of "self-explanation". "Why did I get this disease?!" This is an extremely painful and difficult question to ask yourself. Although it may be a matter of probability, "Why did I get this disease?!" reflects the unwillingness of every unfortunate person.
When you were in middle school, you might have observed this phenomenon. Some ugly girls in the class explained that they had never received a love letter like this: "I'm not that kind of person! Unlike those vixens..." Although bystanders can see things more clearly, they themselves firmly believed in their own explanations. However, does this explanation really have no side effects other than making themselves feel comfortable? In fact, there are many side effects. For example, in addition to making themselves unreal, they may even use various means to torture and frame those "vixens" in their mouths in order to make such a distorted explanation more tenable, even though those "vixens" have nothing wrong with them except that they are more beautiful... Of course, what's even worse, and what they may never know, is that because of their actual distortion, the other half they find in the future will also be distorted.

What is the biggest consensus among the “leeks”?
From what I have observed, all the leeks agree on a point of view that is actually wrong:
The so-called transaction is a "zero-sum game".
In other words, they believe that the money they earn is the money lost by others; or conversely, the same amount of money they lose must have been earned by others.
This is very contradictory. When these "leeks" angrily denounce "the guys who cut leeks", what are they angry about in essence? It seems that what they really hate is not the "leek cutters" they are talking about; what they really hate, logically speaking, is "Why am I not the one cutting leeks?!" If there is a chance to "cut leeks", they will definitely not show mercy, because this is a "zero-sum game" that they believe in. Therefore, everyone is a leek, and everyone has the same fate: either be a leek and be cut, or cut other people's leeks.
Where did they go wrong?
They completely ignore the biggest force in the trading market: the economic cycle, or in layman's terms, the alternation between bull and bear markets.

In a bull market, most people make money, and the amount lost by a few people is far less than the total amount earned by so many people. Which leek is being harvested? In a bear market, most people lose money, and the total amount lost by a large number of people is countless times the total amount earned by a few people. Who is harvesting the leeks?
So, this is not a “zero-sum game” at all!
In fact, at the end of a bull market, no matter who you are, you are buying at prices that are fattened by hormones; at the end of a bear market, no matter who you are, you are buying at prices that are skinny and hungry.
In an open market, no one can force you to trade with a gun. Everyone does it voluntarily. But why are people so happy when they buy voluntarily, but start to cry and scream later? We need an explanation. Yes, each of us needs to give ourselves a clear explanation to explain the embarrassment we are facing.
Do you want a correct explanation or an explanation that makes you feel comfortable?
The correct explanation will trigger your next correct choice and action. An explanation that makes you feel comfortable but is definitely incorrect will only bring you various "unexpected" side effects because it is not correct... Which explanation do you want?

The correct explanation is simple:
We bought at the wrong time.
In a bull market, everything is going well, and even the worst assets are likely to continue to soar. In a bear market, everything is going quiet, and sometimes the best assets will fall even harder...
"The timing was wrong" is the most essential, reasonable, and instructive correct explanation, and it should even be the only reasonable explanation.
In addition, you who have grown up a little bit will understand from now on: in the future, never participate in any zero-sum game - it is more of a waste of time than gambling! (You should know that in reality, fair gambling does not actually exist. In order to ensure fairness, or to use fairness as a means, all casinos have designed the dealer's winning rate.)