Today's market analysis: Dr. Frog is here 🐸🔮

Ethereum ETF dynamics:

Last night, Ethereum experienced an extreme heaven and earth needle trend, and the ETF was finally passed and is expected to be listed for trading in 2 weeks. Many altcoins have bottomed out for a long time, especially those with strong correlation with Ethereum have begun to run out. After the subsequent listing of Ethereum ETF, the sector currencies related to Ethereum are undoubtedly the strongest. At the same time, the coins and ETC in the RWA sector are also worthy of attention, especially ETC performed well before the production reduction, showing a large-cycle breakthrough trend.

Disk analysis:

Bitcoin (BTC): Currently blocked near $71,000, the overall performance is relatively weak, and it is looking for support downward. The support below is near the middle track of $65,000-65,500. Ethereum (ETH): Due to the hype of ETF expectations, it has risen by 20% in a short period of time and is currently consolidating around $3,850. After last night's heaven and earth needle, the small-scale shrinkage repair pattern. In the short term, pay attention to the support of $3,680. If it falls below, it may fall back to around $3,400. The upper resistance is at $3850/4000.

Investment advice:

Long-term: Continue to hold the currency patiently. Short-term: Follow the market rhythm and avoid downside risks. The risk is low this week, and the main focus is on the trend next week.

#比特币 #ETF #市场分析 #青蛙博士 🐸🔮

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