Currently, we are waiting for S1 to be passed, so that we can start trading and traditional funds can start to enter. However, we will need to gradually know how long it will take in the next week. At present, those who enter the market with the expectation of good news will stop profit and exit the market after the relative good news is realized, and enter the adjustment period. Things will get better when the date is approaching.

Will ETH ETF make ETH go through a wave of buying expectations and selling facts?

The road to BTC ETF is long and arduous. I never thought that ETH ETF could be realized so quickly...

But it takes time for the actual inflow of OTC funds to open up each link, and it is still just a hype stage.

There are doubts about the subsequent incremental buying power of the market, but the game of existing funds is very enthusiastic...

BTC has reached a record high in this bull market, while ETH is still 30% away and is still on the road to a new high.

Take your time, ETH will usher in a record high.

There is no need to be pessimistic about ETH, and its consensus in the cryptocurrency market is very strong.

As long as the trend is upward, it can rise, it is just a matter of time.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, pay attention to Tianmeng, the planet publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies. Finally, I wish you all a happy Pizza Day, and everyone can achieve pizza freedom as soon as possible.

#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC #ETH