
🚀**EDU market warning, opportunities and risks coexist! **🚀

🔥Quick market overview: EDU is in a 4-hour level fluctuation callback, pay attention to the key price: around 0.9424.

📈Long advantage: If the price of 0.9424 is maintained, the callback will end, the target price: 0.9878-0.1385, the upside potential should not be underestimated!

📉Short risk: If it fails to break up, the risk of downward exploration will increase, pay attention to the support level of 0.8989-0.8496.

🚀**Old friends! The opportunity is here! **Seize the market fluctuations, make a reasonable layout, and profit is in sight! 🔥Please follow me, please look at the comments to find my assistant, and provide free live guidance every week. #EDU #EDU.智能策略库🥇🥇 #EDU.每日智能策略 #新币挖矿 #热门话题