It's a mess.

I haven't done anything, but the coins in my hand have been falling, falling, and falling. I'll put it somewhere and ignore it, and wait and see what happens tomorrow.

First learn the information sent by the big guys.

1. Don't rush to stop loss when the market falls sharply in the morning. It is usually an overreaction to the negative news the night before. You can wait for the repair and reversal.

Personal understanding: The market started to fall this morning, but it was not very strong. I got stuck after entering the market. It kept falling. The teacher said that you should either go all in or use part of it for emergency. Then I didn't listen and went all in. The meme coins have been rising for the past few days, so it's not a big problem. If they fall, there will be problems. I want to do a contract hedging, but I don't have any coins. I learned another lesson. I think the market will be repaired tonight. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准

2 Don't blindly chase the rise at the end of the market. Some main players like to test the market and lure more, and they will open low the next day to suppress and absorb funds.

I haven't encountered this yet, so I don't understand it.