Monitor These 5 Meme Coins:
Price Below $1, Potential to Skyrocket in 2024


Recently, the world of cryptocurrency has become increasingly busy with the emergence of a type of digital currency called meme coins. This meme coin is basically a cryptocurrency inspired by internet memes or jokes. Even though it was initially thought to be just a joke, several meme coins actually showed very significant price increases. 

What Are Meme Coins?

Meme coins are a type of cryptocurrency that usually start as a joke or parody, but then gain support from a strong online community. The most famous example is Dogecoin, which was originally created just for fun but is now one of the most famous cryptocurrencies in the world. What makes meme coins interesting is their ability to go viral, often driven by endorsements from famous figures or social media campaigns.

Why are so many people interested in Meme Coin?

Before we discuss meme coins that might become popular, it is important to know why many people are interested in collecting Meme coins:

  • Affordable Prices: Many meme coins are still priced below $1, so they seem more affordable for small investors (although in reality all crypto assets can be purchased fractionally)

  • Increase Potential: As we have seen with Dogecoin, meme coin can increase drastically in a short time, this is also because the market cap is still relatively small

  • Strong Communities: Meme coins are often supported by dedicated and enthusiastic online communities, which can help drive adoption and use.

However, it is also important to remember that buying meme coins carries high risks. The value of meme coins can fluctuate greatly and is influenced by hype and market sentiment which can change quickly. So, always do your research and invest only cold money that you are ready to lose, don't just go all in!

Why did the price of Meme coin rise so high?

Speculation and Market Sentiment: When many people hope a meme coin will be successful, they will tend to buy it, which in turn will push the price up. This can happen because there is positive news in the media, support from famous figures, or positive trends in the market in general.

Community Participation: Meme coins are usually supported by a strong and committed community. When community members start to actively promote the coin, raise awareness, or even run a large buying campaign, this can trigger a rapid and significant price increase.

Virality Factor: Meme coins have unique properties in terms of their tendency to trend or become virally popular on social media and other online platforms. When a meme coin becomes a hot topic of conversation, investor interest can increase sharply, leading to a significant price spike.

Market Trends: Meme coin prices can also be influenced by overall market trends. If the cryptocurrency market is experiencing an upward trend, it is likely that meme coin will also increase in price more significantly.

Investor Behavior: Sometimes, the increase in meme coin prices can be triggered by emotional investor behavior or fear of missing out (FOMO). When there is concern that they will miss an opportunity to make a profit, investors tend to buy coins at a high price, which can push the price even higher.

That's a brief explanation about Meme Coin. Now let's discuss 5 altcoins that are still interesting in 2024!

1. Dogecoin $DOGE

In terms of market cap, it is already quite large, but it wouldn't be complete if we didn't discuss Dogecoin! which was originally created as a joke in 2013, is now one of the most popular coin memes. Even though the price has gone up and down over the years, DOGE is currently still under $1

Why Dogecoin?

  • Community Support: Dogecoin has a strong and dedicated community that continues to encourage use and adoption.

  • Famous Public Figures: Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, often provides support on social media, which can influence the price of DOGE.

  • Real Uses: Dogecoin is already being used for various charitable purposes and everyday transactions, increasing its legitimacy.

Dogecoin's potential to surge again in 2024 depends heavily on community support and external factors such as tweets from influential figures.

2. Boop (BOOP)

Boop is a meme coin inspired by the phenomenon of memes and jokes on the internet. With its humorous approach, Boop managed to attract the attention of the online community looking for coins with huge upside potential.

Why Boop?

  • Entertaining Themes: Boop uses humor and memes to attract attention, making it viral among internet users.

  • Active Community: Boop has a growing and dedicated community that actively promotes the coin.

  • Growth Potential: With prices still very low and a relatively small market cap, Boop has great growth potential if it can attract more users and list on large CEXs.

With an entertaining theme and strong community support, Boop has the potential to rise significantly in price in 2024.

3. Floki $FLOKI

Floki is a meme coin inspired by Elon Musk's pet dog named Floki. Launched in 2021, FLOKI quickly attracted attention due to its association with Elon Musk.

Why Floki?

  • Linkage to Elon Musk: While not directly endorsed by Elon Musk, the name's association with Musk's pet dog provides additional appeal.

  • DeFi Projects: Floki is developing various DeFi projects that can increase the utility and adoption of this coin.

  • Community Support: Floki has a dedicated community that continues to promote the coin through various campaigns.

With projects under development and strong community support, Floki has great potential to rise in price in 2024.

4. Pepper $PEPE

Pepe is a meme coin inspired by the popular internet meme, Pepe the Frog. Even though it started as a joke, Pepe coin has managed to attract attention and has a community that continues to grow.

Why Pepe?

  • Meme Popularity: Pepe the Frog is one of the most recognized memes on the internet, giving Pepe coin wide appeal.

  • Enthusiastic Community: Pepe coin has a dedicated and active community that continuously promotes this coin.

  • Upside Potential: With its price still low, Pepe coin offers significant upside potential if it can attract more users.

With the popularity of memes and community support, Pepe coin has the potential for a price spike in 2024.

5. Tremp (TREMP)

Tremp is a meme coin that is completely community managed, with no pre-sales, no owners, and no team holding the initial coins. This creates a unique and decentralized environment that is attractive to many investors.

Why Tremp?

  • Decentralized Community: Tremp is completely managed by the community, creating an inclusive and collaborative environment.

  • Continuous Development: The Tremp community continues to work on project development, including DeFi features and collaboration with other projects.

  • Transparency: With no core team or pre-sale, Tremp offers a level of transparency rarely found among other meme coins.

  • Popularity: The name Tremp definitely reminds us of Donald Trump. While not directly connected to or endorsed by Trump, the use of a similar name provides additional appeal.

With a strong community spirit and sustainable development, Tremp has great potential to rise in price in 2024.

Risks of Investing in Meme Coin

While the potential profits from meme coins are tempting, it is important to remember that this investment also comes with high risks. Some of the main risks include:

  • High Volatility: Meme coin prices can be highly volatile and are often influenced by hype and market sentiment which can change quickly.

  • Lack of Fundamentalism: Many meme coins lack a strong fundamental basis such as a solid project or technology, so their value relies heavily on speculation.

  • Risk of Fraud: There are many crypto projects that are dishonest and simply want to take advantage of unwary investors. Always do thorough research before investing.

  • Dependence on Community Support: The price of meme coin is greatly influenced by community support. If community interest wanes, prices can fall quickly.


Investing in meme coins is a speculative and risky option, but it also offers the potential for huge profits. Community support, innovation in the project, and external factors such as endorsements from famous figures can play an important role in determining the future of these meme coins.

As an investor, it is important to conduct in-depth research and consider the risks before entering the meme coin market. Even though the profit potential is high, the same high volatility can also lead to large losses. With a careful investment strategy and the right information, investors can take advantage of opportunities in the meme coin market.

Always remember to only use money you are prepared to lose, and consider diversifying your portfolio to reduce risk. 

Disclaimer: Investing and trading Crypto assets is a high risk activity. All information presented here is educational in nature and is not a recommendation or invitation to buy any asset.