It is expected that the#BTCprice will show signs of correction in the future | How to operate


The price of Bitcoin is now strongly correlated with two factors: one is the inflow and outflow of ETFs, and the other is the trend of US stocks;

As can be seen from the figure below, the total net inflow of Bitcoin spot ETF yesterday was 108 million US dollars, and it has been a net inflow for 9 consecutive days. There is no sign of waterproofing of funds. Once the inflow is weak again, it may cause shocks or declines;


Currently, Ethereum has passed the 19b-4 document of Ethereum spot ETF. Funds are expected to be on ETH. Ethereum will usher in a big opening and closing, and BTC is temporarily slightly weak.

Bitcoin ETF inflow and outflow monitoring website:…

My strategy: I am a spot party, and I take goods at low prices; according to the principle of symmetry, the first expected decline range is between 64500-66000; the cottage is currently deploying a small amount of AI, and most of them are still wandering in MEME. PEPE is not considering shipment for the time being!


#5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析