Chaos in MEME coin live streaming: You can even burn yourself to pull the price

Recently, issuing MEME coins and then live streaming to pull the price has become a trend, with various famous scenes.

In order to attract viewers and increase attention, Mikol, a Meme coin developer named DARE, chose a dangerous way to attract attention: he covered himself with alcohol and asked his friends to set off fireworks at him.

Unfortunately, the trajectory of the fireworks set off by his friends was very accurate. No fire extinguishers were prepared for this live broadcast in advance, resulting in third-degree burns.

He wanted to ignite the token price, but he ended up igniting himself.

In addition, there are very vulgar hype about pulling the price.

A Meme coin named Livemom also invited two people who claimed to be mother and son to live broadcast, saying that when the price of Livemom reached a milestone, they would respond with different actions.

The content of the entire live broadcast was too vulgar, full of pornography and borderline, such as the "son" asking everyone if they wanted to see certain parts of the "mother" and pouring milk on them.

This reminds people of the various weird live broadcast scenes in China in the past. For traffic, the mother was not wanted.

A good Meme should be a punk with love and peace in mind, rather than an extremely vulgar hypocrite who ignores all norms.

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