#以太坊ETF批准预期 The hot topic some time ago has been the expected approval of this ETF. Many users are really gambling on this matter! According to the timeline of Bitcoin ETF submission and approval reviewed before, the probability of Ethereum's approval is very high. After all, institutions are also mutually checked and balanced, and it is impossible for one company to dominate.

Secondly, the current Ethereum market is also officially warming up. #山寨币热点 It is basically still around the second layer and the pledge track, especially the #MemeWatch2024 we have been emphasizing. Looking back at the current stage of $PEPE , it is completely replicating the previous $SHIB market. Now the meme sector has successfully become a sector where retail investors and institutions have reached a consensus. You can find opportunities to layout. I hope that you will be the next wave of landing through this track! 😀