#LayerZero #zkSync Since the beginning of the season, people are paying a lot of attention to the AL, Meme, layer2 trends. In the near future, when layerzero and zksync release tokens, according to you, tokens running on these two systems will be the next systems to be pumped.

For example: RDNT and MAV represent two systems.

When they first came out, these two girls were quite hot and got a lot of attention. After that, it stagnated for quite a long time. The recent decline was below 100m and RDNT still broke the bottom.

If she were to shake it off, she would probably be able to shed quite a bit of dc, but if MM wanted to collect more, she would have collected a lot of dc.

So the next 3-5 months will determine whether these two children live well or die prematurely.

In your opinion, are these two projects trying to get low prices?

ps: I collected some RDNT for 0.16 and MAV for 0.3.