Solana Dev Hospitalized with Third Degree Burns Trying to Pump #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 🚑

🔥 In a bizarre attempt to pump his TruthOrDare token (DARE) on, a Solana dev named Mikol doused himself in isopropyl alcohol and had fireworks shot at him during a livestream. Spoiler: it didn’t end well.

💎 The "brilliant" plan quickly turned into a disaster, with Mikol going up in flames faster than a rug-pulled token. His friends, armed with only water instead of a fire extinguisher, tried to put out the fire. Pro tip: Always bring an 🧯extinguisher to your next #Memecoin🤑🤑 stunt!

👀 Mikol, now being treated in a Miami trauma center for third degree burns, screamed, “It burns, bro, my body burns,” as his friends struggled to help. One even had to yell, “Stop recording and start helping,” to the person behind the camera. Classic. 🧐

🚫 Let this be a cautionary tale: Pumping #Memecoins🤑🤑 might be fun, but setting yourself on fire? Not so much. Stay safe, degens!

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