When I decide to start trading.

I did not use my money.. I did not invest my money in the market.

1. I just watch the market how it works.

2. Listen to other people's motivations.

3. Learn the necessary skills in trading.

4. Patience.

5. 🤣🤣🤣 I don't own Bitcoin.

6. When the market is calm.. it is a warning sign.. that there will be a big storm.. which I always ride to make money. This is our opportunity to trade.

7. Control your emotions. Treat yourself like a 4-year-old child. Those who make inappropriate decisions.

8. Listen for noises... bears and bulls... pay attention to side roads...

9. Take your profit.

10. Don't look at 1m 3m 5m. 1 hour 1 day. Schedule. Look for opportunity.

Keep trading and learning. Don't trade what you can't afford to lose.

Gather enough experience before making the big trade..or jumping on the wallet.

Always challenge yourself to earn $5 to $500.

Don't put $500 and make it $5.. 🤣🤣🤣

الحصول على مكافاة - Get your reward now

