Polygon Vice President of Product davidev.eth has the following eight new insights after EthCC:

1️⃣ Stablecoins return to the stage, Gyroscope Protocol and Spark are worth paying attention to.

2️⃣ luc.eth and v3xlabs.eth create the best interaction method through ENS and POAP combined with nfc brand.

Image source: ENS

3️⃣ Ethereum should not monopolize the definition of EVM. Layer2 is working on expanding the functions of EVM (EIP-7212). We look forward to seeing Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism work together to promote a more friendly EVM user experience.

4️⃣ No one is building a product like Interop, which if executed correctly will change the scaling landscape.

5️⃣ Lens Protocol is the only project discussing ERC-6551, which will open up new unlocking scenarios for NFTs.

Image source: Lens Protocol

6️⃣ EIP-4337 is the beginning of account abstraction, and Instadapp, Patch Wallet, and Biconomy are challenging Safe’s leadership in contract wallets. EIP-7212 will unlock more possibilities, and high-quality user experience is just around the corner.

Image source: Layer3

7️⃣ Although each team is promoting its own “Appchain Stack”, it still lacks enterprise market functions. Expect to see the Layer 2 team competing with Quorum on enterprise deal promotion rather than Twitter spats.

8️⃣ Is it possible to gain market share by relying on brand reputation alone?

Uniswap X is actually Cowswap, Maker is going the way of Frax/Aave, and Chainlink CCIP is LayerZero. He believes that Uniswap and DAI will dominate their respective markets, while LayerZero has established a deep foundation through OFT and ONFT standards and will be difficult to replace.

Image source: MidJourney, Derivative By soaringcrowz

in conclusion

Although EthCC has received many criticisms this time, believing that the discussion is too theoretical, overly focused on VC parties, and lacks the launch of practical applications, it can be seen from the updates of tracking projects that there are still many projects working silently during the bear market.

Although not a believer in Polygon, davidev.eth’s sharing is certainly worth reading.

I believe that through Layer2 and the recent new Ethereum protocol, we have the ability to create a friendlier blockchain ecosystem.

Image source: EthCC 2023

#Blockchains #EthCC