In the market where BTC is hovering at a high level, will there be another 100-fold level?

The market trend is fast or slow, and slow or fast. Looking at the above picture, even if there is a similar cliff-like decline, it is considered normal behavior in the current market, and it will not easily change the original market trend, because in this stage of the trend, it is infinitely far from the new high, and there is no pressure to break through the new high. When the new high is not broken, all the shock callbacks are all wash-outs. From the perspective of the delivery mechanism, the delivery from the new high is much faster than before reaching the new high. There is no suspicion of delivery, but the wash-out raises the average price.

people appear as the anchor point of the market at this stage. For these, we need to improve the pattern and broaden our horizons. Just look up to 5. Anyway, it is now 0.06, and I will not count how many Xs there are in 5.

CYBER is the currency form that I know best. At this stage, it is obviously a bottoming market. It is inevitable that it will return to the higher altitude on the cliff in the future. Life is not just about the immediate survival, but also about poetry and distance. Obviously, its distance is not at this position.

bome The callback made today also makes the price fall below 0.018 or even only 0.016 at the high point. Whether there is or not, it is more reasonable to sell near these two points. As for the short-term upward momentum, it is not easy to suppress.

Finally: The next stage is the most important stage. You must step into the vein of the market. Once you step into this vein, a small rhythm may make a level as high as 10 f(x2)=5*3 or f(x1)=3*5, a*5/2*3+3a=10.5a. This small level turns into a large level far more than the 7a level in August 2020. Although it is foggy now, you will understand it within two months. #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #BTC