According to the latest news, the news of the approval of Ethereum ETF may come out at around 4 o'clock tomorrow morning at the earliest. At present, many people in the market are not optimistic about the approval this time, thinking that everything came too suddenly. In fact, subjectively, I also think that it came too suddenly and the probability of passing is not high. However, the financial market often does not have too much subjective consciousness. It is more practical to pay more attention to the changes in the market!

What is the actual situation? Ethereum has been suppressed for a long time. In fact, this wave of rebound, my personal expectation is an oversold rebound. Even if there is no news stimulation, there will be a rebound, but it may not be so fast. Many people say that if it is not passed, Ethereum will go to 3,000 or below. I don’t think so. After all, Ethereum ETF has begun to hype. If it fails this time, BlackRock will probably pass next time. So, we just need to prepare for both.

One is that after passing, the market will definitely burst again, and this time may be when the stage top appears. You can choose to make profits at high positions to understand the exit band positions. In the medium and long term, you can also make relevant stop-profits according to your own profit targets! In addition, if it fails, we can focus on the second layer of Ethereum. Yesterday, we talked about the upcoming airdrop of ZKS in June. Ethereum's L2 track will definitely be hyped. The second is Ethereum's pledge track, because even if the Ethereum ETF is approved, they cannot provide pledge services, and LDO, SSV, RPL, etc. are all leaders in the pledge track. Secondly, the new product ETHFI can also be focused on. Judging from the strength of the previous rebound, LDO and ETHFI rebounded the most rapidly!

Well, before the news comes out, we can actually make one preparation, which is to control our positions. We cannot go all in, and we should not clear all positions. At least 70% of the positions should be in the car, because I personally think that the room for decline is very limited. Even if there is no retracement, it will not be as severe as everyone panics. It is as if all good news is bad news, and if bad news comes out, it may also be good news. It depends on how the main force wants to play it. Therefore, what we need to do is not to go all in blindly, and not to be afraid of declines. Control your positions at a position that you think is more reasonable, so that you can deal with it easily whether it is a sudden increase or a decline!

Concepts that have been hyped in this round of bull market: AI, Hong Kong sector, big cake ecology, RWA, SOL ecology, modularization, Ethereum L2, etc. These have been hyped, and the big bull market will continue to be hyped. In the past, outdated concept sectors can be laid out, but more funds should be allocated to new concepts and new tracks, perhaps with greater opportunities!

The market always rises in doubt. At present, some people believe that it will pass, and some people believe that it will not pass. These two groups of people have formed inconsistent market expectations, and the market can often only continue under such circumstances. Therefore, as I said yesterday, before the news is landed, all the retracements can be boldly boarded. After all, expectations will continue to be hyped. After the news is landed, if it is good news, it will rise and then retrace, and continue to explode after retracement. If it is bad news, it will definitely retrace, but I personally think that the intensity will not be too great. After the retracement, continue to hype whether the Ethereum ETF will be passed, so there will still be a wave of technical rebound! So, no matter what, what we need to do is to control our positions! Just be able to advance and retreat freely!

Waiting for the news to land, expecting good news!

Recently, several friends in the circle have cleared their positions, even about 3,000 Ethereum, and before Ethereum pulled up. Since they followed the rhythm cycle in the early stage, they can just follow the cyclical rhythm. I have said many times before that there will be several risks of falling after halving, and at that time it was said that the cost of miners was rising, and the callback would not fall too deep. There is no problem if you hold on. Looking back, the chips are relatively low. If you can't hold them, you can ignore them, but don't clear them. Be responsible for your own capital!

After experiencing several waves of bull markets, it can be summarized that if you want to make money in the bull market, there are only a few sentences "less operation, no chasing, dare to start!" The callback moments experienced before were basically in accordance with this habit!

In addition, you can compare the profits of clearing and not clearing. You can see from the communication of the crypto library that some people doubled near pepe6, and some people have been holding near 1 and have nearly 10 times the profit. When Ethereum soared, some people were happy to have chips. They have survived for three years, and they still got off Ethereum in the bull market. This is something I don't understand.

Let's talk about the altcoins. If I remember correctly, the altcoins should have been in a consolidation and decline for nearly two months, and the rebound and the increase were relatively good, which is the meme concept, right? Other sectors are basically tepid. In the early stage, we also recommended other altcoins, which basically had some floating losses, but I am basically not panicking, because the bull market will not only hype one sector, but also bloom everywhere!

Let's talk about the future opportunities. This wave of Ethereum ETFs is really unexpected. From the 25% pass rate at the beginning of the month to the 75% pass rate in the first two days, but the final outcome is definitely passed. Once passed, you can also refer to the previous ETF trend of BTC. After passing, it will rise in the short term and then fall back, because there is selling pressure on chips. Where will the selling pressure go? I personally think that it will not hit the 2-day top, unless there is a big positive, how can it not come out very deep by selling pressure.

I also hope that everyone holds good spot chips. Most of the current holdings are not garbage b, just give it some time. I hope everyone can get their goals in this bonus period!

Let me say a few more words about the opportunities of copycats. The copycats can still see the same narrative in the following sectors, such as AI and fan generation B, meme concept, and others need to wait for news. The popularity of L2 will also come soon! We have chips in all the above sectors, so hold the positions patiently!

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH #BTC #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点