#比特币披萨节 #BinancePizzaDay #BTC

Today is the 14th Bitcoin Pizza Day, and the story begins with Laszlo Hanyecz.

On May 17, 2010, Laszlo posted on the Bitcoin forum, wanting to exchange 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. On May 22, someone finally sent him two pizzas, marking the first milestone in the development of virtual currency exchange for physical objects.

Laszlo is a programmer who started to get in touch with Bitcoin in 2010. It was the first time he used GUP mining, which improved mining efficiency.

At that time, Satoshi Nakamoto also exchanged emails with him, asking him not to mine too much BTC, as excessive centralization would be detrimental to the sustainable development of BTC.

As an early BTC supporter and evangelist, Laszlo has made positive contributions to the development of blockchain. He deserves an expensive “pizza”, haha.

These stories were read from "Digital Gold", which introduced many early advocates and disseminators of Bitcoin, who jointly promoted the development and improvement of BTC.

Bitcoin Pizza Festival Begins with Laszlo

Just imagine that if you download a software from a forum, you can exchange the tokens obtained by randomly clicking on it for a takeaway meal. It is really magical.

In the Bitcoin market in 2010, anyone could download and install Bitcoin mining program software to obtain BITCOIN.

Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" on October 31, 2008, and released the open source Bitcoin software in January 2009. Since then, the first BTC has been mined, marking the beginning of cryptocurrency.

Today the price of BTC is $70,000. Initially, the price of BTC was calculated based on the electricity cost to generate one BTC. About $1 of electricity can mine 1,000 BTC, and the cost of each BTC is $0.001. BTC has increased 70 million times in 15 years.

What a magical number and a super huge return on investment, beyond anyone's imagination.

BTC historical development curve

The blockchain revolution has benefited many early participants, and those who hold BTC have enjoyed huge wealth.

A friend in my group started paying attention to Bitcoin in 2013. That year, BTC rose from US$13 to more than US$1,100, an increase of more than 80 times.

At that time, he promoted BTC in his circle of friends, but no one paid attention to him and he was even regarded as a "scammer". Most people could not understand his bullish remarks, and the price did fluctuate greatly, with astonishing rise and fall.

Now he is still active in the group and is also a powerful figure. He often shares his market views and allows more people to see the future opportunities and value of BTC.

I can’t check his wallet balance, but as an old OG who continues to be active in the crypto market and continues to be optimistic about BTC, he must have a large amount of BTC.

Old OG who paid attention to the crypto market in 2013

Bitcoin has been online for 15 years. Some people saw the opportunity, some missed it, and opportunities are only left for some people.

From looking down on, not understanding, and not being able to catch up, people who accept new things get more opportunities, and now it is still in a huge change;

Perhaps in the future the crypto market will grow from a niche market to a global one, becoming a more popular payment method; or perhaps the experiment will fail and everything will return to zero.

These huge uncertainties bring about brand new experiences, and this is what is happening.

There are no "seven slices" of the pie (cheating)

On this interesting day, we joked that Laszlo exchanged 10,000 BTC for 2 pizzas, which is known as the most expensive "pizza" in history, and also witnessed more surprises.

An old OG once said that in the cryptocurrency world you can always believe that good things are about to happen, so let’s look forward to it together.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.