Laszlo Hanyecz's purchase of 10,000 Bitcoins for two Papa John's pizzas 14 years ago is one of the most famous events in crypto history, known as "Bitcoin Pizza Day." This marked one of the first real transactions using Bitcoin, at that time Bitcoin was still in its infancy and had a very low value.

The fact that 10,000 Bitcoins used to buy a pizza is now worth more than $700 million shows a few key points:

1. **Increase in the Value of Bitcoin**: Bitcoin has experienced a tremendous increase in value from just a few cents per unit at the time to tens of thousands of dollars per unit today. This reflects the potential growth and acceptance of Bitcoin as an asset and form of currency.

2. **Crypto Market Volatility**: Such dramatic price movements also show how volatile the crypto market is. The value of Bitcoin can experience large fluctuations in the short and long term.

3. **Adoption and Trust**: This event shows the journey of Bitcoin adoption, from something that was only appreciated by a small number of people in the tech community to an asset that is widely recognized around the world.

4. **History and Learning**: "Bitcoin Pizza Day" became an important lesson about the future value of digital assets and how important a seemingly trivial initial decision can be historic in the context of economic and technological change.

Overall, this story is a reflection of the rapid development of blockchain and crypto technology and the significant impact that innovation can bring in the long term.