Odaily Planet Daily News: As the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission expects to approve similar crypto products, the prices of Ethereum ETFs in Hong Kong soared collectively today. The net inflow of China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ethereum ETF exceeded HK$5 million as of noon on Wednesday, the largest net inflow since its launch. According to data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the prices of three spot Ethereum ETFs rose by more than 18% on Tuesday. The trading volume of China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ethereum ETF exceeded 1.28 million shares on Tuesday. The other two spot Ethereum ETFs issued by Harvest International and Bosera HashKey also had higher trading volumes than usual this week. However, it should be noted that although the Hong Kong spot cryptocurrency ETF has been hailed as an important step for Hong Kong to become a virtual asset center, its trading volume has remained relatively low for most of the time since its launch. (South China Morning Post)