On May 20, after the news that the Ethereum ETF may be passed with a high probability was released, what happened to the Ethereum ecosystem❓ #以太坊ETF批准预期

I counted the secondary gains of 20 projects on the same day, including 12 Layer2 and 8 representative on-chain ecosystems

This article does not have secondary operation views, but it can be used as a reference, depending on whether you believe that the strong will always be strong or the sector will make up for the rise

The statistical results are as follows👇🏻

In the Layer2 sector, based on the market value factor, I divided the sector into two parts with a market value of 1 billion as the watershed, among which the market value of more than 1 billion $OP performed better than other targets

And $METIS led the market value echelon of 100-1 billion with a daily increase of 38%, and even in this sector, it can be said to have the strongest rebound

Among the on-chain ecosystems, the most noteworthy is $LINK , as a veteran oracle leader, the day's increase performance was the worst, but there is no comprehensive market value factor in the ecological statistics

Layer2, as the liquidity undertaker of infrastructure, can be said to have the strongest correlation with Ethereum, and the on-chain ecology I basically counted the sector leaders, including: DEX, liquidity pledge, Defi protocol, NFT market, social and domain names

ENS, as the domain name leader, achieved the best increase on the 20th and 21st, but because the two-day factor was not considered, it was not shown in the chart

📍Finally, it should be noted that only counting the rebound factor is not comprehensive, and the decline ratio caused by the previous weakness of Ethereum is not considered comprehensively. In fact, the ratio of decline and rebound should be used as a comparison, which will have a stronger reference significance

(This article also does not count the new coins launched this year)