"Pizza Day", also known as Bitcoin Pizza Day, arose in honor of the historical event - the first ever payment for goods with cryptocurrency.

On May 22, 2010, programmer Laszlo Haniec bought two pizzas with bitcoins. This transaction showed the world that cryptocurrency can be used for real purchases, which is why paying for pizza with Bitcoin is considered an important milestone in the history of the crypto community.

Laszlo Haniec himself offered to buy pizza for bitcoins. In May 2010, he posted a message on the Bitcointalk forum in which he offered 10,000 bitcoins to anyone who could deliver him two pizzas.

Members of the crypto community celebrate this day in different ways. Many people buy and eat pizza to celebrate the occasion. On social networks, crypto enthusiasts share photos of their pizzas, organize virtual parties, and discuss the development of Bitcoin and the crypto industry as a whole.