Among the currencies that are making the news, a new project has stood out in recent hours. Everything seems to indicate that it could be the next x100 cryptocurrency. Leaving in its path good returns for early buyers.

The volatility of the digital asset market is well matched by the versatility of these proposals. Which have unique characteristics that could fit any investor profile. And if crypto market players internalize themselves, they will surely find an initiative that fits their priorities.

The opportunity has recently arrived, hand in hand with Ximbia, to make it a reality to achieve financial freedom with its dominant currency and its proposal to be the largest DEX in Latin America.

Hey! Let's study a little and learn

A DEX is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that runs on a decentralized network, such as a blockchain. Users of a DEX maintain self-custody of their assets by maintaining exclusive control of their private keys. Decentralized exchanges (DEX) exist without intermediaries and are the cornerstone of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. They also offer full transparency regarding the movement of funds and the method of exchange. Additionally, a user's funds do not pass through a third party's cryptocurrency wallet during transactions.

Let's analyze the XMB a little

The XMB coin has a limited supply, and its value can increase as its utility and the burning of tokens. In addition to these, you can obtain passive income by holding a certain amount of XMB within its ecosystem and external allies.

The average price of XMB is $0.1931, with a Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) of $192.86K and a liquidity pool of $59,509.90.

Advantages of a Dex

Dex are not in charge of the exchange itself, it is only a platform that is there to connect users: it is purely peer-to-peer. Okay, that sounds great, but what does this mean to you? Two advantages:

  • You do not need to trust anyone for the exchange to take place, as it is done by Smart Contacts or smart contracts.

  • The commissions paid for the transaction are usually lower than on normal exchanges.

I hope you deepen your research on this great opportunity, and diversify your investment portfolio.

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