Several reasons why Ethereum ETFs are approved

1 The applicant institution is the same as Bitcoin ETFs and the same operator

2 Secondly, Bitcoin ETFs are still being bought up. Institutional money is the smartest money in the world. Can they make a loss-making deal? Use Ethereum ETFs to release positive news! !

3 As we all know, the United States is mainly maintained by treasury bonds. The huge amount of USDT is backed by US Treasury bonds. Only when the market is good or the USDT is bubbled can it buy more Treasury bonds

4 Bitcoin halving bull market The market needs such positive news to catalyze!

5 Bitcoin ETFs are the first to break through the historical high, but the entire altcoin market is basically still slow and dull! ETH is needed to drive market sentiment.

6 All Bitcoin approval paths At present, Ethereum’s recent information is infinitely consistent #以太坊ETF批准预期