What is a trend? We place orders following the trend. After the trend takes shape, more and more funds will be injected. People around you start using iPhones, and you will gradually study, observe, and finally join.

When a target performs strongly in the long term, people will also start to observe, research, and finally invest money. In this case, no matter where you enter the market, you can make a profit.

The most important thing is to plan how much money you want to make, and don't "sell too early and break your legs. If you had known better, you would have held on longer."

It would have been too cheap if I had known this earlier. If I had known this earlier, I would have mortgaged the house with a full position of 100 yuan and pledged it with 100% leverage.

No one can know it early, but I know that I have always made this much and can keep making it.