The Expected Altcoin Finally Announces Airdrop: Here is the First Details Announcement!

First information about the date and launch process details of the highly anticipated ZkSync airdrop has arrived.

In their statement to The Block, two sources connected to the ZkSync team stated that the ZkSync token creation process could take place this weekend. The date for airdrop is June 13. It was noted that the distribution will be made by the end of June at the latest.

While it was stated that 21 billion tokens would be printed as a total supply, it was not stated what percentage of this would be used for the first entry into the market.

The source emphasized that the ZkSync airdrop distribution will take place before Blast's airdrop on June 26. One of the sources stated that they were considering the ZK label for the token and stated that Polyhedra Network already has this label and this could cause a problem. However, it was underlined that they wanted to launch with ZK and not with ZKS.

Vitalik Buterin recently stated that Ethereum's 10-year goal is to achieve an eventual ToR structure.

The cryptocurrency community expected $500 to $5,000 airdrop per wallet for the ZkSync airdrop. While a screenshot date has not been specified yet, there are no details regarding the airdrop conditions.