After the two-boom pull-up at midnight, the white plate of the day was mainly a see-saw trend. The evening market gradually gave a retracement, and it has completed the 70,000 mark, and the floating space is more than 1,600 points. The recent trend of the concubine is worth mentioning. It has repeatedly deviated from the big cake, and it has also given a pull-up of nearly 200 points during the day, which is considerable. The one-to-one big cake and the two-to-one concubine Duodanbuju publicly given during the day were all taken, giving a total of 1,713+534+150 points of space. How much power do you have in such a turbulent market? For the market, people plan and people succeed; life is about making choices constantly, and perhaps an inadvertent choice you make will change your current situation.

After the market experienced a big pull-up, the market pattern changed significantly. The big cake showed a downward trend at the 72,000 mark during the day and was pressed to give a retracement. At present, the hourly Bollinger Bands have begun to close, and the market has moved to the vicinity of the lower track. There is always a need for correction after the trend, and the space for tug-of-war will not be too large. It has now retraced to a low level. Hou Xu is optimistic about the rebound within the range, and the low duo can be used for distribution at midnight.

Big cake: 69600-70100 duo, pay attention to 71200

Aunt: 3780-3800 duo, pay attention to 3840#BTC突破7万大关 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB