#BTC突破7万大关 #BTC☀️ #ETH

Today, the BTC price once again broke through $70,000, and the current price is $70,200. For BTC spot holders, they can finally find some joy of rising prices amid volatility and silence.

ETH surged 20% today due to the news of Ethereum ETF.

Spot holders finally saw some temporary gains, although it had been sideways for such a long time.

Many people would say that the crypto market is unpredictable in the short term and will inevitably rise in the long term, but most people sit on their hands or look for shortcuts to get rich overnight through contracts.

Many people dare not participate, or are unable to hold on for a long time and wait for opportunities, such as waiting from 1,000 to 10,000 US dollars.

BTC current price: $70,200

There is a view that many people do not invest in BTC because they cannot afford to buy a whole Bitcoin.

Today the price of BTC is 71k, which is more than 500,000 yuan. It is indeed not affordable for ordinary people. Of course, you can also hold 0.1 BTC for only 50,000 yuan.

In 2010, a programmer exchanged 20,000 BTC for a pizza. He certainly couldn’t have imagined that BTC would be so valuable 14 years later.

In 2012, you could still buy BTC directly on Taobao.

At that time, one BTC was 50 yuan, and 1,000 yuan could buy 20. The seller also shared how to download and create a Bitcoin wallet.

I don’t know if the seller at that time was so angry that he broke his thigh, and whether the buyer at that time has received the money until today.

Buy BTC on Taobao

Chuxiao Chain has been in the industry for more than 3 years. I have seen BTC rise from more than 40,000 US dollars to 69k, then fell to 15k, and now rose back to 71k. No matter which time period, there are people who say it is expensive.

Imagine in 2014, BTC only cost 5,000 yuan, but how many people would buy it?

After all, a virtual currency, which had no usage scenarios at the time and was just a string of characters, was actually worth thousands of dollars. Many people could afford it, but most people thought it was expensive.

Moreover, at that time, BTC fell from $1,000 in early 2014 to more than $200. An 80% drop was not something that ordinary people could afford.

If one does not have strong endurance, most people may cut their losses and leave the market, and people can only earn money within their cognition.

In the near term, the price of BTC was just over $10,000 at the beginning of last year, and once fell to over $15,000;

If you didn't think it was expensive at that time, you would have made more than 4 times the profit by buying it now, and this was in just over a year.

In 2014, BTC fell from 1000 to 200

Today, the price of BTC is 500,000 yuan per coin, which most people can no longer afford.

Many holders and believers firmly believe that BTC will rise to $100,000-200,000 per coin. Compared with the current price of $70,000, there is still room for it to double or even multiply. However, most people now think it is too expensive.

If BTC really rises to 100,000 or 200,000 in the next 5 or 10 years, and then looks back at today's 70,000, will you exclaim how cheap it is?

Of course, history can only be used as a reference and cannot be replicated. No one can predict the clear direction of the future crypto market. It is hard to say whether it will go to the moon or return to zero after a blow.

Every method has risks, and anyone can only participate in the market and the crypto world in a way that they can understand. I wish us all good luck.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.