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Never earn the following three types of "hard-earned money":

1. Money earned by overdrawing your body

When you are young, you use your life to exchange for money; in the later stage, you have to use more money to exchange for your life. This way of exchanging health for money is the biggest short-sightedness of a person.

Human happiness can only be established on the basis of physical health and mental peace. Without health, even if you make a fortune every day, it will turn into a bubble in an instant.

With health, making money is meaningful.

2. Money earned by sacrificing time

The hard-earned money earned by sacrificing time will make people addicted unconsciously. Because you will find that every time you make a single order, you will get a single order of income, and every day you work, you will get a day of income.

You think your income is increasing, but you ignore that this kind of money earned by time has a very low upper limit. At the same time, it will make people satisfied with the status quo and imprison people in the bottom plight.

Maybe you can sell time to get food and clothing, but you can never make a comeback by selling time.

3. Money earned by numbness

Many people do mechanical work day after day, and their spirits become numb. It seems that they do a lot of things every day, but in fact, their abilities have stagnated very early.

Moreover, long-term meaningless labor will constantly wear away people's hope for life and put their fate into a dead end.

Once people get used to a busy life, it will be difficult to break away from it, rekindle their fighting spirit, and improve their own value.

So when people around are taking off, people who fall into the "busy circle" are unlikely to turn over.

Many people are poor not because they don't have the spirit of hard work, but because their survival concept is wrong.

So, what is the right way to make money?

1. Change the inherent thinking

The change of a person must first start with thinking. Only when the thinking changes can the income structure change.

Only by constantly changing the thinking can we gain the upper hand in wealth competition and social games.

2. Polish professional skills

The development of society will make the division of labor in the industry more and more detailed. Anyone can do the low-tech and low-threshold jobs, so the value is naturally not high.

But if you do your profession to the extreme, you will never have to worry about not having a foothold at any time.

3. Improve irreplaceability

In the future society, it is highly likely that the competition will no longer be between people, but between people and machines.

Most repetitive, stereotyped, and hard work will gradually be replaced by machines and artificial intelligence.

Although AI is powerful, it still has insurmountable shortcomings and weaknesses. Its creativity will not be comparable to that of humans even in 2042.

Therefore, we must keep our minds sharp and active and constantly improve our creativity. No matter how the times change, we can firmly occupy a place in the cruel society.