Thank you very much to whoever created and to those who distributed this photo. Let me give you a helping hand :))

Because for me personally and many OG brothers in the industry, Do Kwon was once a legend. Knowledgeable people know that this guy actually didn't intend to scam anyone from the beginning. All are the consequences of an unsustainable economic model, reaching a stage where growth is out of control...

I fell out of favor and was cursed at. I won't discuss the legal issues because they are very complicated. Many men probably don't even know the beginning or end of the story, but they keep cursing loudly to show they understand.

I myself have repeatedly expressed my opinion that I do not support LUNA-UST's model, and also advise you not to fish for the bottom when it collapses.

Thank you again for rating me equal to Do Kwon. Because they are also Forbes Under 30