✌️ Compared with traditional finance and traditional Internet, web3.0 is a new paradigm, a deconstructive change. It is anti-authority, anti-centralization, and emphasizes personal data, autonomy, sovereignty, and personal rights.

1️⃣ For example, DApp, in web3, we interact with it, become users, and contribute personal data to get the corresponding airdrop. This is unimaginable in web2, after all, no application will give money to users.

2️⃣ Another example is Meme, as a cultural phenomenon, it is directly anti-dogma, anti-elite, and eliminates authority. Take the recently popular gme GameStop as an example, which can also be regarded as a Meme. There are many other examples, such as NFT, Defi, etc.

#干货 #比特币 #区块链#web3#元宇宙 #行业 #金融 #