Thank you for the heart-wrenching affirmation from fans and friends, "Reliable, there are not many fans in general".

Six of my seven orifices were pierced by you.

On the road of learning trading, I have read many books and been influenced by many people. Those knowledge and thinking have subtly influenced me and summed up one core -

Trading is about being a person.

If you don't have a pattern, vision, determination, mind, piety, studious, and pragmatic spirit, then it is difficult to do trading well.

The most straightforward example is that you must have discovered a small rule. When you are in a bad mood, too excited or too irritable, you are most likely to lose money. The principle behind this is simple. If you get carried away, you get carried away, and your emotions ruin your rationality; if you lose your rationality, you can't be a good person; if you are not a good person, you can't do trading well.

The ancients said that the skill is outside of poetry, and so is trading. The skill of trading is outside of trading knowledge.

I have posted an article before, "Don't be a good person, you will lose money." Being a good person in this impetuous circle has its price. You won’t make a fuss, write inflammatory marketing words, make empty promises to others, or use high leverage to make high-yield plans... It will be difficult to attract fans, and other things are even more unrealistic.

After a little entanglement, we still chose to stick to our ethics.

Because trading is about being a person.

Be a good person, do good things, and make good money. Peace of mind.