Five years later, which asset is the most valuable? Which is the least valuable? Let's vote together


Seven options:

The first is 30 lots of Kweichow Moutai, currently worth 5 million yuan.

The second is 12 bitcoins, which is also about 5 million yuan.

The third is 10 kilograms of gold, worth 5 million yuan.

The fourth is 1,000 shares of Nvidia, worth 5 million yuan.

The fifth is 2,000 shares of Microsoft, worth 5 million yuan.

The sixth is a small apartment in the core area of ​​Beijing or Shanghai, also worth 5 million yuan.

The seventh is 50 classic LV bags, currently worth 5 million yuan.

These seven assets are currently worth 5 million yuan. Five years later, which one is the most valuable? Which one is the least valuable?