#BTC突破7万大关 #ETH #BTC

A person's maturity is not necessarily how much he has gained, but how much he has lost. . .

Wang Jianlin, sued 222 times in three years of entrepreneurship.

Liu Qiangdong, 34 years old, his hair turned white overnight.

Liu Chuanzhi, 40 years old, started selling things on the street.

Ma Huateng, 27 years old, started QQ, pretending to be a girl and chatting with others all day.

Ma Yun, 30 years old, had a bleak translation agency, and had to sell socks on the street to make a living.

Zong Qinghou, 42 years old, rode a tricycle through the streets, selling popsicles in the wind and rain.

The big guys have all had their hardships and glory. Now they are either retreating to the second line or becoming more and more low-key. Maybe they are still unwilling, but they are ordinary people in the final analysis.

No one has it easy in this world. There are struggles at the beginning, frictions during the rising period, open and secret attacks when in a high position, and finally the helplessness of having to retire to the mountains.