#热门推荐 #小白必看

A gambler ended up with nothing, a true experience from a student!

When youth and dreams intertwined, I embarked on that thrilling journey in the cryptocurrency circle. At that time, I was still a student full of longing, holding the living expenses given by my parents, but fantasizing that I could find my own sky in the virtual world.

The starting point of the dream

2000u, that is all my belongings, and also my expectation for the future. When my friends talked about the high interest of virtual currency, my heart began to be restless. I seemed to see the opportunity that could make me rich overnight, so I stepped into this tempting circle without hesitation.

The first taste of sweetness

The interest of Yubibao made me taste the sweetness, but seeing my friends making a lot of money in contract trading, my heart could no longer hold back. I began to learn how to play contracts, and the first attempt brought unexpected gains. At that moment, I seemed to see myself standing at the pinnacle of wealth, and my heart was full of infinite expectations.

Addiction and persistence

As time went by, I became more and more addicted to this world full of excitement and temptation. I began to study K-lines, technical indicators, and even joined various trading circles to listen to various so-called "expert" opinions. My position management became aggressive, and I went all out every time I opened a position. I firmly believed that I could find my own rules in this world, but reality gave me a cruel blow.

The edge of collapse

When my account balance plummeted from 60,000 U to more than 10,000, I really realized my blindness and ignorance. I began to feel fear and despair, but the gambler mentality in my heart made me unable to stop. I tried to use the last funds to gain a glimmer of hope, but the result was a complete failure. At that moment, I felt unprecedented despair and helplessness.

Reflection and growth

Looking back, I realized that I made too many mistakes in this process. I was too confident, too greedy, and too obsessed with my own judgment. I did not learn to respect the market and follow the market, but was driven by my own desires and emotions. I lost money, but more importantly, I lost my reason and judgment.

This experience made me reflect deeply on my life and values.I began to understand that true success is not achieved by luck and gambling, but by one's own efforts and wisdom. I began to re-examine my life goals and plans, and strive to find my own way.

I hope that my experience can give some inspiration and help to those who are still lost in the currency circle. In this world full of temptations and risks, we need to keep a clear mind and calm judgment. We need to learn to respect the market, follow the market instead of being driven by the market. Only in this way can we truly find our place and value in this world.

As an investor who has been working in the currency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the currency circle, but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the currency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me.