Making big money does not depend on buying and selling, but on waiting

Everyone should be very excited today, suppress your inner emotions, the real bull market will be in 25 years, it has not started yet, small fluctuations, small fluctuations. In the future, don't curse when it falls, and be happy when it rises. Don't have this kind of leek behavior.

Share a few words with you to ease your inner emotions.

1. Invest in valuable things and hold them for a long time

2. Keep a stable mentality and make money slowly, no matter how much money you have

3. Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowd is loud

4. Every day, there is no end, and the effort will not be in vain.

I hold BTC:ETH:BNB=4:4:2.

Hold BTC, ETH, BNB, and let time accompany us to slowly become rich.

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