The experience is probably,

If you find that you don't like the other person that much,

Only then do you understand that beauty is the most useless thing in a relationship.

So from then on, when interacting with the opposite sex,

Appearance is no longer the top priority, and you will find that you care more and more about other things.

If your girlfriend is beautiful and you two can love each other for a long time, that is better than countless beautiful things in the world.

If your girlfriend is beautiful but you don't love her, then I'm sorry, you will become more and more lonely.

Since even a beautiful woman can't attract you, then an interesting soul, a god-like existence, really depends on your luck.

Unfortunately, you and I are both ordinary people. It is difficult to just meet, let alone possess?

So many people liked it?

Let me add that what I said before is true.

However, beauty has only changed from a primary condition to a basic condition.

There are too few interesting souls, and beauty is obvious.

When you are in love, you should be with a beautiful woman.

After all, it is not easy for anyone to find a soul mate.

So, if life is destined to be vulgar, dull and boring,

At least beauty can make people tolerate each other over a long period of time.

Therefore, beauty is very important, after all, even sex life should be harmonious. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势分析