Lao Cui talks about coins: Late night pull, is Ethereum about to be listed?

The previous paragraph made it very clear that the trend in the future will change due to the influence of short-term news. I can expect the short-term rebound, but I did not expect it to be so rapid. Especially for the upper limit of Bitcoin, Lao Cui does have a higher view, but the growth of Ethereum is indeed beyond expectations. Fortunately, spot users still keep their profits, and contract users don’t have to think about it. Basically, this type of growth will not be with everyone. Everyone should also pay attention to the recent exchange rate. USDT also fell below the 7.2 mark. After Lao Cui observed this problem, I also calmed down for a while, and also wanted to verify whether the short-term trend is still in line with our previous predictions. The accuracy of this point still exists in our market. The SEC has put forward a request, which should be regarded as an instruction to the exchange to speed up the submission of listing documents for Ethereum.

All signs indicate that the promoters behind the scenes have been accelerating the listing process of Ethereum. This is also consistent with Lao Cui’s previous predictions. Europe and the United States can only shout, and ultimately cannot change the overall trend. After this incident, I believe you still think that the time for interest rate cut will be postponed? All means are just paper tigers. The day of interest rate cut is the rise of the currency circle. + Author shi9527111 Today's increase in Ethereum and Bitcoin will only continue to grow when the interest rate cut comes. The listing of Ethereum is also the opportunity to start the bull market. There has been no rumor-refuting document recently, and the depth of the callback will not be too deep. The decline in the exchange rate is combined with the short-term meeting notice. Everyone can pay attention to the final result. There will be another round of fluctuations when the result appears.

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps, while those with low chess skills can only see two or three steps. The high-level ones take the overall situation into consideration and plan for the general trend. They do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. The low-level ones fight for every inch of land, frequently transform between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent traps.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying and selling recommendation. Buying and selling based on this is at your own risk!