✅ Binance Announcement for New Listings!

🔔 In response to the problems caused by high FDV and low circulation tokens, Binance introduced Direct Listing, Launchpools, Megadrops, etc., which require projects to reserve large amounts. It released an announcement stating that it will provide priority support to small and medium-sized cryptocurrency projects, including

▪️ Projects have only been filling their pockets lately. They sell it to themselves for $0.001 and sell it to us for $0.1 in pre-sales. When the token is listed at $0.3, while we make 3x, big VCs or in short early investors make 300x.

▪️ When the stock exchanges list these projects, Kols investors and small investors who enter later incur serious losses. Why does it hurt even though it does 3x because vestings TGE is 10%, 6 months is like a cliff.

▪️ This situation has seriously alienated people from crypto. Thereupon, Binance announced that it would prefer projects that can create smaller market value in new projects.

▪️ In other words, even projects that are high quality but difficult to get into Binance can enter the Binance Exchange. This shows that even the small airdrops we make for us can bring serious profits. Because, unlike others, small-scale projects can be made 50x 100x much easier instead of 3x 5x by entering Binance.