On the 23rd, we should not only pay attention to the Ethereum ETF, but also to Powell's speech. The main content of this speech will revolve around topics such as inflation and interest rate cuts. It depends on whether the Fed releases an eagle or a dove. If it is the former, the gold pit may continue for a while. If it is the latter, the market will start directly. Hug the group to warm up v: LSTT0112 If it is confirmed that there will be no interest rate cut this year and it will be postponed to next year, then Bitcoin starting with 5 will be the norm, and we have plenty of time to buy the bottom. On the contrary, it will take off directly, and investors who have not boarded the car will break their thighs. The investment market is like this. There is no certain rise or fall. It is necessary to take risks, which further reflects the importance of long-term investment and DCA. There are two types of people in the current market. One type has completed the Bitcoin layout and believes that Bitcoin will not let her down in the long run. One type is still waiting, waiting for Bitcoin to hit a gold pit. If you are lucky, you can indeed maximize your returns, but will there be a bigger gold pit? You must think about this clearly. There is no investment in this world that is completely risk-free. Looking back, it is actually quite sad. The influence of the Americans on the cryptocurrency circle is so great that we have to look at their faces every day.

After playing around, the Americans have become the banker, not only with the first-mover advantage, but also with the ability to strike back.

On the 25th, Nvidia will release its financial report. Before that, it had ambushed many AI track projects in the 13th round. It is necessary to keep a close eye on the 25th and stop profit at any time, except for long-term positions.