#THETA Edge Compute and Edge Cloud efforts are important features developed to further strengthen and expand the decentralized video streaming network. These studies allow Theta Network to provide faster and more efficient services to its users. Here is more detailed information about Theta's Edge Cloud work:

Theta Edge Compute and Edge Cloud

1.Edge Compute Platform: Theta allows users to share computing resources by creating a decentralized edge compute platform. This platform shares the unused processing power of users' computers for use in Theta Network's services. Thus, operations such as video processing, data analysis, and machine learning are performed on many distributed computers on the network rather than on central servers.

2.Theta Edge Nodes: Users can join the Theta Network by downloading and running the Edge Node software. These nodes can be used for operations such as video streaming, data processing, and content distribution. Users earn TFUEL by actively participating in the network.

3.Decentralized Edge Cloud Infrastructure: Theta aims to provide a lower-cost and high-performance alternative to traditional cloud services by developing a decentralized edge cloud infrastructure. This infrastructure provides greater efficiency for content distribution and data processing and allows users to receive service from geographically closer servers, reducing latencies and increasing performance.

4.Uses: Theta's Edge Cloud infrastructure is suitable for video streaming services as well as other technologies that require high bandwidth and low latencies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications . Additionally, Theta's infrastructure is also optimized for content delivery networks (CDN) and video processing services.