U was stolen, who should I look for?

Brother Wang, how did you steal U?

I know, but I can't tell you.

In fact, the underlying logic is the same, steal your private key, transfer it, launder it, succeed, a set of streamlined operations, and the theft of coins is completed. Want to get it back after it was stolen? It's basically impossible, unless your father is.....

Since the day the currency circle existed, there have been professional coin thefts, the so-called hackers. Now, hackers are following the trend and sinking one after another.

Brother Wang has also encountered many people whose coins were stolen.....

1. Download a fake wallet, the wallet is over-signed

2. Click on a phishing link, the private key is leaked

3. Offline identification leads to the theft of coins


I won't say much about how to store assets safely. Refer to previous articles, which are detailed enough. What I want to say is that if you decide to speculate in coins, you must master the basic skills.

What are the basic skills? Let's align them:

1. How to protect asset security

2. Basic operations of the currency circle APP

3. Project research, analysis and judgment

4. Investment strategy and method thinking

5. How to safely withdraw and deposit money

6. Legal and illegal operations in the currency circle

6. Reliable and high-quality information channels

7. Experience financial and political common sense

And so on.......

If you are not prepared, don't enter the currency circle. If you lose money lightly, you will go directly to the serious one. In a society ruled by law, it is never a matter of ignorance, but a list.

Where can I read the above basics? Brother Wang's article said everything that should be said, but unfortunately few people read it. They are too anxious and eager to get rich overnight...

To be honest, who doesn't want to get rich overnight?

But good things, why should it be my turn? When I grew up, I didn't think about it anymore.

Later, I found that those who think about this all day long are obsessed.

Sometimes, slowing down will be faster. . . #以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH #BTC