1. It is tiring to study alone. You can try to join a paid Q group to play together. I am a shameless person. I recommend our group. Of course, I like to collect money. If it does not bring benefits, I will withdraw at any time.

2. Learn to protect yourself. Don't recommend any coin to anyone, not even your own father, and don't believe any coin recommended by anyone. Don't touch the coin you don't understand. You will find that buying coins you don't understand is the beginning of a disaster.

3. Quit all projects, shout orders and nonsense groups, quietly study the industry, discuss value, and raise the pattern, instead of buying 20U, like gambling on the lives of the whole family. If you stay in the currency circle for a long time, you will lose some sharpness and see everything as a scam... It has nothing to do with you, because most projects are.

4. Can you continue to hoard coins? Yes. Coins, as long as they are not mainstream, are wrong. All good things must stand the test... and not rely on pulling the market.

5. Playing short-term every day will definitely return to zero. I will never just think about hoarding coins, because hoarding coins is a very interesting thing, especially when I can listen to stories in the group every day...

6. People will change. At first, I wanted to hoard counterfeit coins. After spending 8 years in the circle, I don’t want to hoard them anymore. I have seen big cakes at very low prices before. Now even if I don’t have money, I will buy some. A person who has seen good things will generally not wrong himself.

7. There are several partners in the community who have always wanted me to establish a VIP group. What should I do? That is to systematically organize the experience, investment thinking, and the truth that ordinary people in the circle cannot see in the past few years, output them to improve their understanding, that’s all.

8. I plan to operate our VIP group like this: members, I share basic knowledge for one month to achieve cognitive synchronization, then share investment knowledge, cultivate investment habits, and finally talk nonsense, brag, and throw the nonsense I talked to the project party and investors to them, so that they can see the warmth and coldness of the currency circle and the truth of blockchain.

9. How to hoard coins? Determine the strategy, funds, and make a good plan, and execute it day by day for ten years.

10. Chatting is learning, and learning is chatting. How to learn through chatting? In 2023, I will repeatedly practice this point in the community.

11. What is rhythm? A four-year cycle is rhythm.Remember: only the best coins should be hoarded. If you can sell the rubbish knockoffs, sell them. It will ruin your feng shui.

12. The first coin hoarding in the currency circle is Bitcoin and the second is Ethereum. Whether it is Bitcoin or Ethereum, there is no shortage of people buying good targets. If you don't buy popular goods, you are gambling at any time.

13. What about the metaverse, NFT, Web3? We don't touch those we don't understand. We just hold the coins honestly. If anyone wants to change the mainstream in your hand into air, we will fight him to death. The dealer will tremble when he sees you.

14. You can only run one thing in your life. In 2023, I will try to implement the concept of hoarding coins and run it. There is also the point of "one-to-one assistance". Try to implement it.

15. Don't ask anyone, don't listen to anyone, and don't believe anyone.

16. If you want to hoard coins in a group, you have to find normal people. Cut off those who hesitate, cut off those who lack determination, cut off those who hesitate, cut off those who look around... The rest of the people, iron support one piece, hoard to the end.

17. Find people with good Feng Shui. If you have good Feng Shui, you will attract people with good Feng Shui. If you deceive and defraud yourself, you will attract people who want to get rich overnight and become gods in the short term. Slowly, people's wisdom will disappear.

18. One day, when everyone can't hoard coins anymore, they will consider the "field effect". The era of guerrilla warfare is over. In the future, all the brothers who stand up will habitually fight a protracted war.

19. I said to a newcomer: If you buy coins, buy the best ones. He can't afford one Bitcoin, so I asked him to buy 0.1. If Bitcoin is yellow, what can other coins do? Buying altcoins is gambling. Although wealth and honor are sought in danger, some gambling violates common sense. I will habitually retreat.

20. Now when I meet someone, I advise him to hoard big cakes. Whatever you do, you shout. This is my enlightenment. What enlightenment is will be revealed.

21. Poor people mix in the currency circle, except hoarding big cakes, they don't think about anything else. This is one of the fastest ways to change their destiny.

22. In the cryptocurrency circle, the more you struggle, the faster you die. Flies love to struggle, but they are slapped away by the old cow. Tortoises are slow, but they live the longest.

23. After drinking with the project team, I no longer believe in those stories of getting rich overnight. Damn, they are all scripts, but isn’t life a script?

24. People who are obsessed, let’s have less contact. Blockchain or Bitcoin are products of the times. Sooner or later, they will pass. You and I are just a grain of dust......

25. In the cryptocurrency circle, generally speaking, if you get smart early, you will make more money, and if you get smart late, you will lose more money. People start to get smart by staying away from the success gurus in the cryptocurrency circle.

26. When people reach 40 years old, there is no need to play with copycats. What to play with? Bitcoin.

27. How can you liberate yourself? Just keep making money and keep hoarding coins.

28. In the cryptocurrency circle, think more about how to solve problems with common sense. It is better to accumulate common sense and principles than anything else. What is common sense? No one will help you make money for free.

29. Paying is the beginning of a person's maturity, respect for other people's knowledge, and cherishment of one's own feathers. Free things can easily increase one's own evil.

30. We said that hoarding coins is the only way out for retail investors. At the beginning, many people laughed at us. We said it every day, every day, and about three months later, no one laughed at us. They began to observe what we were doing every day, and even considered joining the community...

31. Only by chatting with the dealers can we make progress. If we keep thinking about it, we will only grow the leek thinking...

32. Positioning yourself as an investor, a small sickle, and a businessman is one of the fastest ways to change your destiny

33. Is it difficult to trade coins? Is it difficult to trade every day? Is it difficult to hoard coins? Is it difficult to hoard coins every day? Is it difficult to make money? Is it difficult to make money every day? Practice every day. What you need, practice what you need, this is the way I see.

34. Doing anything requires a little recklessness. If you think too much and think too much, the opportunity will pass. Everything can be copied, but courage cannot be copied.

35. If you think about hoarding coins every day, it is easy to hoard at a high level. If you think too much in your mind, you will not be able to work at all. Just learn the hoarding of coins, and don't touch the skills that are not related to hoarding coins. The way is simple.

36. When you encounter a problem, you habitually spend money and solve it with one cent. If you don't want to spend money, you can solve it, but it will take a little longer.

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