Sorting out the market ideas

I. Sorting out the market information

1. Due to the rapid rise of Bread from May 15th to 17th, the market has produced a triple top back at the 1-hour level. After the retracement last night, it has been digested;

2. SOL is always strong and has risen to the previously preset point. If this wave of rebound is ABC, A=C, then SOL has rebounded in place at the point;

3. ETH needs to enter the upper box to be considered strong. Now it is just rising in conjunction with Bread;

II. Market analysis

1. At present, Bread has broken the downward trend of nearly two months, and a relatively obvious head and shoulders bottom can be seen at the daily level; the weekly line has 1 positive and 4 negative, which is very strong. The 3-day MACD is close to stepping back on the 0 axis, and there are signs of a golden cross. The levels below 3 days are all bullish;

2. Bread is everything in the currency circle. As long as Bread does well, other coins can only rise more or less, rise faster or slower. Of course, garbage is excluded, such as EOS, ZKF, etc.

III. Operation

1. In this market, the best operation is not to operate, lie flat, and novices should not add leverage randomly. Heavy leverage affects the mentality and will make it difficult to hold on;

2. When it rushed up on Friday, I was smart and stopped profit at 168 SOL, and took it back at 170. I cut a little back and forth to ETH, lost points, and lost handling fees. Obviously, in this market, the more you toss, the less coins you will have;

3. Bitcoin is not a human being. When it is strong, it is very strong. There is almost no rest from 25,000 to 49,000 and from 38,000 to 73,000. When it is weak, it is very weak. After the decline, the rebound often fails to reach the pressure level and continues to fall. This round of bull market operation is much more difficult than before. It is recommended to operate less, rest more, and make friends with time;

4. The pressure level of Bitcoin is around 69,000. You need to pay attention to this position;

5. You can look at other currencies in conjunction with the market. Don't buy junk coins and don't fall in love with copycats; for example, if you are EOS is trapped. Don't buy more EOS as it falls. You can buy some SOL when it falls.