Over the past week, large inflows of institutional money into crypto funds have recovered, +$932 million. This is evidenced by the#CoinSharesreport data for May 11-17.

An important reason for the influx was data from the US Consumer Price Index. It was during the three trading days of the week that 89% of the total volume of flows for the week came into the market. BUT we wrote about the fact that bad times are coming for the bears last Monday, when publishing the last CoinShares report.

At the same time, despite almost a billion in inflows of funds, trading volumes for the week amounted to only $10.5 billion compared to $40 billion in March. Institutional interest has not yet fully returned.

BUT what is really worth paying attention to is that among the spot Bitcoin ETF, Grayscale (the main seller since the launch in January 2024) for the first time showed a slight inflow into its fund. This is an important step towards a “supply shock”. When everyone is buying, but there is not enough supply. And this pushes the price up.

Details on inflows/outflows for assets as a whole:

- #BTC-focused crypto products raised +$942 million.

- There were inflows into crypto products focused on#BTCshorts, but they were scanty, +$0.6 million. The more important thing here is that there are no outflows. Last week, we recall, the outflow amounted to $5.1 million, and this was the largest outflow from BTC short funds in four weeks. Now it seems that institutions are not confident that the decline is over.

- For crypto products focused on #ETH, outflows are again, and they have increased, -$23.3 million (last week -$14.4 million). Investor pessimism regarding spot Ethereum ETFs continues. And the ending is already this week. True, if everyone is so confidently expecting that there will be no approval, the negative should already be included in the current price.

- Crypto products focused on#SOLcontinue to demonstrate an influx of liquidity, and again not small, +$4.9 million. Last week it was +$5.9 million and we then warned that SOL shorts were under threat again. And this threat came true. If the current dynamics are maintained, it is quite possible to expect a psychological test of $200 and a hike even higher.

- The inflow is higher than usual, by +3.7%, showed #LINK. This is the consequence of the news about #Chainlink’s high-profile partnership with DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, clears transactions on NASDAQ).

- Minor inflows showed#ADAand #LTC. But for#DOTand#XRPthere is a pause.

Geographically, the leader in inflows is again the United States, by a huge margin. Next comes Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, Australia. The leaders in outflows are Hong Kong (also by a significant margin), Canada, and Sweden.