Iranian state television announced that there were no survivors in the accident of the helicopter carrying President Reisi yesterday.

While the wreckage of the helicopter was reached after 15 hours of work, it was stated that Reisi, Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan, Tabriz Governor Malik Rahmeti and Iranian leader Khamenei's Tabriz Representative Muhammad Ali Al-i Hashim were among those who lost their lives in the accident.

It was noted that 2 senior military officials and 3 crew members from the Revolutionary Guard Army, who were on Reisi's helicopter, also lost their lives in the accident.

The wreckage of Reisi's helicopter was found after the detections of Akıncı İHA.

President Reisi attended the opening ceremony of a dam on the Iran-Azerbaijan border yesterday by helicopter.

Iranian state television reported that the accident occurred when Reisi's helicopter made a hard landing while returning from the region; Minister of Foreign Affairs Hussein Emir Abdullahiyan announced that East Azerbaijan State Governor Malik Rahmeti and Tabriz Friday Imam Ayatollah Ali Hashim were also on the helicopter.

Search and rescue teams reported that the work was continuing with difficulty due to adverse weather conditions, and Iran requested an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) from Turkey to conduct aerial search.

Akıncı UAV, which Turkey assigned to the search activities regarding the helicopter crash involving the Iranian President and some officials, detected the heat source, which was thought to be the wreckage of the helicopter, and shared its coordinates with the Iranian authorities.

Iranian state television had announced that there were no signs of life at the wreckage of the helicopter carrying the President of Iran and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullahiyan, which was found following the detections of the Akıncı UAV.

Who is Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi?

President Ibrahim Reisi, known as a legal cleric, was born on December 14, 1960 in Mashhad, Iran.

Reisi started his career as a Kerech Prosecutor in 1981, following the revolution in 1979. Reisi rose rapidly in his position and soon became the Deputy Chief Prosecutor of Tehran at the age of 25.

Reisi was a member of the four-person committee that decided to execute imprisoned regime opponents in 1988, upon the instructions of Iranian revolutionary leader Khomeini.

Reisi, who rose rapidly in state positions during the Ali Khamenei period after Khomeini's death, served as the Chief Prosecutor of Tehran between 1989 and 1994. Reisi, who was appointed as the President of the State Audit Institution in 1994, remained in this position for 10 years.

Reisi was appointed as First Deputy Chief of the Judiciary in 2004. Reisi, who was appointed as the Chief Prosecutor General of Iran in 2014, was appointed as the President of the Imam Reza Shrine and Complex Foundation in the city of Mashhad by Khamenei in 2016.

Reisi, who was also a candidate in the presidential elections held in the country on May 19, 2017, lost the elections against the then President Hasan Rouhani.

Reisi was appointed to the vacant Presidency of the Judicial Power in March 2019, after the previous Head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Amuli Sadik Larijani, was dismissed by Khamenei and appointed as the Head of the Council for Diagnosing the Interests of the Order.

In the election held in Iran on June 18, 2021, Reisi won by a wide margin, receiving 62 percent of the votes, and became the 8th President of the country. During Reisi's presidency, a foreign policy was followed that prioritized relations with neighbors. During this period, relations with Saudi Arabia were re-established after 7 years.

Was on the US sanctions list

Raisi was placed on a sanctions list by the United States in November 2019 for his alleged role in executing political prisoners and suppressing social unrest in 2009.

Ibrahim Reisi's name was among the possible candidates to take the post of leader of the country after Khamenei.

Who is Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Emir Abdullahian?

Hussein Emir Abdullahian, known for his conservative identity, was born in 1964 in Damgan, Iran's Simnan province.

Abdullahiyan, who graduated from the Department of International Relations of Tehran University in 1991 and speaks Persian, Arabic and English, served as the Ambassador of Bahrain for a while during the reign of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Abdullahiyan, who later served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Arab and African Affairs during the Ahmadinejad and Hassan Rouhani periods, became Minister of Foreign Affairs in August 2021 after former Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, whom he also served as his deputy for 3 years.

Prior to his position as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullahiyan was most recently the Special Assistant for International Relations of the Speaker of the Parliament, Muhammed Baqir Qalibaf.

During Abdullahiyan's term as Minister of Foreign Affairs, after 7 years of tension between Iran, Tehran and Riyadh, an agreement was reached with Saudi Arabia to restart diplomatic relations and mutually open embassies in March 2023.
First Vice President will take over temporarily
Article 131 of the Iranian Constitution stipulates that in the event of the death of the president and the president cannot be elected, the first vice president will take over the powers and responsibilities of the president, upon the appointment of the country's leader (Ali Khamenei).

The board, consisting of the speaker of the parliament, the head of the judiciary and the first vice president, that is, the heads of the legislature, executive and judiciary, is responsible for organizing the process for the election of a new president within a maximum of 50 days.