#以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #山寨币热点

During the past two days of the weekend, the trend of the big cake is still relatively stable. It has been trading sideways at 66900, and began to fluctuate greatly on Sunday. The highest point rose to 67750, and the big cake began to fall to 65800 in the evening, directly retracing two thousand dollars.

The current price of big cake fluctuates around 66600. After falling to the lower track of the Bollinger band in the evening, it began to rebound and rise. Looking at the current trend, the hourly level is rising, and the pressure position is around 67000. If it can stand firm, it may fluctuate and absorb funds and then continue to rise. If not, it will fall and continue to rise after absorbing funds below. At present, the pressure around 67000~68000 is still relatively strong.

Operation suggestion: 67300~67400 can be lightly shorted, and the next position is placed at 67800. If it falls to around 65500, you can go long with a light position, leaving a good position for replenishment, and then 65000. Bitcoin is also fluctuating in this range now, and it is recommended to wait for a pullback to go long.

The pressure position of Bitcoin is 68000, and the support position is 65000.