Hi! I'm your Mouse, and I'm here to bring you a new mission! @ReadOnMe3

The core of the project is to advocate the principle of decentralization and create an environment where any data source and API logic can be independently developed and deployed. This not only ensures greater flexibility and creativity. Our mission is to revolutionize the way decentralized artificial intelligence applications are created using autonomous agents.

0Pork Trotter Rice

#DYOR #空投交互


Open the website https://content-hub.readon.me?inviteCode=ZXXSMN

Connect your wallet


Authorize Twitter (remember to cancel the charge later)


Fill in the invitation code ZXXSMN to get extra rewards


Completing the corresponding tasks will earn you corresponding points, which can be used for subsequent airdrop rewards!


The introduction of this mission has been completed. Please follow me before you go! ヾ(•ω•`)o