The market is ever-changing, but the control of the direction is not a problem. Yesterday evening, the market rose again to above 67,000, and then followed by a gradual downward overlap. Near midnight, the market has quietly changed to a more convex shape. I also adjusted the general silk road here, and gave the silk road of making convex for the midnight rough work. After the big cake convex Dan from Buju entered the factory failed to go down to 66,000, it directly took 709 points of space to leave the factory in the morning, and it was the most stable to land the bag safely. If the road is blocked, turn around, and if you are unhappy, look down on it. In essence, timely adjustment of mentality is very important.

The market has been trying to move down to 66,000 below all night, but the support strength of the 66,000 string is indeed not weak, and the downward momentum of the convex head has been greatly consumed. From the hourly level, the market has stabilized and is running between the middle and lower tracks. The KDJ three strings tend to be flat, and the downward trend along the sunrise is weak. Personally, Silk Road will first look at the rebound of the market at this position in the morning and afternoon, and make a first move.

Big cake: 65900-66400, pay attention to 67500

Aunt: 3060-3080, pay attention to 3130

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