🚀This is the way I have been doing for 10 years to increase my financial limit and find it always effective.

You need to know about "Financial Thermometer" 🌡🌡🌡

My teacher once shared that each of us has a "financial thermometer".

It doesn't show up on the outside, but it's always inside each person and silently coordinates our money.

Just think about it, from the past until now, have you ever earned a "dream" amount of money, an amount that was "too big" compared to your ability at that time and then lost it due to mistakes? Is it wrong to look back and feel confused?

Each person will have a "Financial Thermometer" bar in their mind. It will measure your ability to earn and keep money.

If it exceeds the threshold, it will somehow take your money away to restore balance to your mind.

Some people set the thermometer level at 5 million, 10 million, but no matter how many years of effort they put in, they can only earn and keep that much. If someone installs at 100 million, they will find a way to get there.

For millionaires and billionaires in the world, they have settings of millions of dollars and billions of dollars. That's why you see people who have failed, but some time later they can do it again and be even richer than before.

So how to increase the level of your "financial thermometer"?

1. You need to know that everything is possible. Expand your thinking and start reading books and listening to videos about successful and wealthy people. Don't believe people who always deny everything about getting rich, Self help books... because where are they rich?

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