The "Fat Cat" incident of the boy who jumped into the river has been reversed, and the latest announcement from the Chongqing police:

Result: The woman Tan did not constitute fraud and no case was filed. Fat Cat's sister Liu apologized, and the two sides reached a settlement.

The following are the contents of the three sections of the notice, which mainly explain the true relationship between Fat Cat and Tan, the economic transactions between the two sides, and finally why the woman Tan did not constitute fraud.

1. Fat Cat and Tan are confirmed to be in a romantic relationship. Fat Cat is 21 years old and Liu is 27 years old.

In November 2021, Fat Cat and Tan met while playing online games, and confirmed their romantic relationship on December 24 of the same year.

In March 2022, Fat Cat and Tan met in Changsha for fun.

In February 2023, the two broke up and reunited. Tan said that he did not want to be in different places and asked Fat Cat to go to Chongqing.

In October 2023, Fat Cat came to Chongqing from Chenzhou and rented a house near Tan's home. Since then, he has visited Tan's home many times.

In November 2023, Tan made their relationship public through WeChat Moments. The two parties also agreed to open a flower shop, with Fat Cat investing 70,000 yuan and Tan responsible for the operation.

On February 7, 2024, on the eve of the Spring Festival, Tan took Fat Cat back to his hometown and introduced him to his parents and relatives as his boyfriend.

The two experienced many breakups and reunions during their relationship.

On April 3 and 4, 2024, the two continued to quarrel and mentioned breaking up.

On April 5, 2024, Tan sent a message to Fat Cat, saying that he would calm down for a while and live his own life.

On April 10, 2024, Fat Cat said that he would transfer the money from a certain treasure to Tan. Tan replied at the time and asked him to save the money for his future. That night, Fat Cat transferred more than 60,000 yuan to Tan, with the note of voluntary donation, and left a message for her to run the flower shop and he would not care.

In the early morning of April 11, 2024, Fat Cat sent a message to Tan, saying that we were over, and then jumped into the river.

On April 23, 2024, his body was salvaged in Changshou District.

2. The entire economic relationship between Fat Cat and Tan

The transfer records of the two showed that from November 2021 to April 2024 when Fat Cat jumped into the river and died, Fat Cat transferred money to Tan 317 times, totaling 799,000 yuan, and Tan transferred money to Fat Cat and his relatives 179 times, totaling 463,000 yuan.

Among them, more than 297,000 yuan was transferred to Fat Cat, 30,000 yuan was transferred to Liu (Fat Cat's sister), and 136,000 yuan was transferred to Fat Cat's father (this was the 70,000 yuan that Fat Cat returned to the flower shop at the request of his family after his death, and the 60,000 yuan that he voluntarily donated before jumping into the river).60,000)

From January 2022 to April 2024, Tan deposited 236,000 yuan and withdrew more than 165,000 yuan, mainly for the two people to run a flower shop, common living expenses and personal consumption.

Pan Mao deposited 173,000 yuan and withdrew more than 248,000 yuan. From the total savings account of the two people, Pan Mao withdrew 75,000 yuan more.

3. Why did Tan not commit fraud?

It was found that Tan and Pan Mao had been dating for more than two years in their real identities, met each other's relatives and friends, and the two parties had a real relationship. Tan did not commit fraud and made a decision not to file a case in accordance with the law. At the same time, after mediation, Pan Mao's parents have reached a settlement with Tan.

Tan fully refunded the difference in economic transactions with Pan Mao during the relationship.

4. Why did Pan Mao's sister cry out for her brother?

An investigation was conducted on Tan's report that Liu, Pan Mao's sister, had violated his privacy.

Fat Cat's sister Liu believed that the 20,000 to 30,000 yuan of income from playing games for Fat Cat every month was spent on Tan, so she said that she wanted to make Tan suffer and pay the price.

She also discussed with her sister to let Tan be cyberbullied. After she posted the video, she registered an account to comment in the comment area and asked relatives and friends to comment. She also contacted her sister to write copy for many people to discuss how to gain sympathy, etc., and bought traffic on the platform to increase popularity.

The number of fans of her account increased from 263 on April 22 to a maximum of more than 2.9 million, which seriously affected Tan's normal life.

In the end, Liu (Fat Cat's sister) also realized the illegality of her behavior and admitted her mistakes. The police are currently investigating everything Liu has done, and will eventually deal with it according to law.

At the same time, relevant rumors will be investigated and dealt with.

The above content is interpreted from the case report of the Nan'an District Branch of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Finally, with the help of a sentence from the Chongqing police: A fresh statement, which disappeared sadly, is heartbreaking. May the deceased rest in peace!

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